Serving our persecuted family
Our work
around the globe
Christ For All Ministry is working in Pakistan to assist the local Christian population that is often marginalized and faces the constant threat of persecution. Christ For All Ministry is working to meet many of their basic physical needs and providing tools and instruction for their spiritual growth.
Christ For All Ministry has been working in Pakistan since 2015 primarily in the area in and around the city of Lahore in the province of Punjab. Our ministry seeks to assist and help spiritually build the Christian populations living in these areas so they can then be a light to the world around them.
Supporting the mission and bringing hope to those facing oppression.
Facing a lifetime of imprisonment and seeking asylum while praying for hope of rescue.
Hearing the gospel for the first time and learning a new understanding of faith.
Where we are shining the gospel
Appreciation from our local MP for our mission

The hands and feet providing access to God’s Word
Bible Distribution Program
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."
— Romans 10:17
The distribution of the Word of God is of the utmost importance when it comes to the task of worldwide evangelism.
The Bible is clear in Romans 10:17 that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ”. There are so many places in our world that do not have ready access to God’s Word, therefore Christ For All Ministry is striving to put the Bible into the hands of people who have never owned or may have never seen a copy of God’s written Word. Bibles are being distributed in Pakistan and we hope to continue this program wherever Christ For All Ministry works.
We have been busy with our Bible Project of distributing 1000 Urdu Bibles. This has been a very exciting process as we can share the love of Jesus through His Holy Word. Our goal is to distribute these Bibles to the villages and rural areas of Punjab by the end of 2023.
The CFAM team in Pakistan is looking for opportunities to do this in the areas they are reaching through their Sunday School and Food Distribution Programs. The CFAM team in Pakistan has organized visits to distribute Holy Bibles to Brick Kilns workers, where the team has been working recently. The Team visited Kasur and Raiwind Brick Kilns and was able to distribute 50 Bibles. The people were overjoyed to receive the Holy Bible, and there were many tears of joy in their eyes. Praise God for the precious gift of His Word!
We ask for your prayers and support for our team. Please pray for their protection because there are many areas in Pakistan where the word of God needs to be delivered so that lives can be changed, but many of these areas are very dangerous to openly spread the Gospel.
The CFAM team in Pakistan is so excited to be sharing the Word of God and would like to share the amazing story of the first Bible distributed through this program:
By the grace of God, the CFAM Pakistan team met Kainat, a young Muslim girl, during their trips to the Sunday School projects in the Kasur District. Kainat’s father wanted to give her a Muslim education according to the Quran, but she refused to be educated as a Muslim so her brothers began to beat her and fled her home with her mother. By God’s great mercy, Kainat and her mother were met by the CFAM team who took the time to counsel them and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. The CFAM team continued to meet with Kainat and her mother and the Holy Spirit worked in her heart, on the fourth visit Kainat accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour, Praise be to God! Due to the constant threat from her father and brothers the CFAM team helped to move Kainat and her mother for their safety and continue to share the love of Jesus with them. We are also so excited that Kainat could be the first recipient of an Urdu Bible from Christ For All Ministry as we work to give 1000 Bibles by 2023.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
— Psalm 119 : 105